Why Choose PGA Humanities?
Globally recognized and ensures a consistent progression.
Qualifications for ages 3-17, seamless progression to further study, including A-Level and beyond.
Progression to further study
Provides free online in-depth mock and actual exam performance analysis. Students can learn about their mistakes and rectify them.
Detailed exam analysis
A digital version of the student books and studying resources can be accessed online, anytime, anywhere.
Wild range of resources
Seamless Learning Journey
Ages 5-11
Year 1-6
Age 11-14
Year 7-10
International GCSE
Ages 14-15
Year 11
International A Level
Ages 15-17
Year 12-13
Global Citizenship
Topics covered
● Social Justice and Equality
Justice and injustice
Wealth and poverty in society
● Identity and Diversity
Who am I?
Humankind: all equal; all different
● Globalisation and Interdependence
People and places around the world
Global trade, ethics, production and consumption
● Peace and Conflict
Conflicts in the community
Resolving conflicts peacefully
● Human Rights
Understanding rights
Refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people
● Power and Governance
Good governance
Participation and inclusion
● Sustainable Development
Connecting with nature
The future of our planet
Global Citizenship
Topics covered
● Social Justice and Equality
Equality of opportunity
Challenging injustice
Challenging prejudice and discrimination
● Identity and Diversity
Humankind: all equal; all different
Challenging prejudice and discrimination
● Globalisation and Interdependence
Global wealth and poverty
Information, technology and communication
Global health, food and well-being
● Peace and Conflict
Conflicts around the world
Resolving conflicts peacefully
● Human Rights
Violation of rights
Human rights defenders
● Power and Governance
Good governance
Participation and inclusion
● Sustainable Development
Climate change
● Accounting
● Business
● Economics
● The accounting environment
● Introduction to bookkeeping
● Introduction to control processes.
● The preparation of financial statements
● Accounting for end of period adjustments.
● Business activity and influences on business
● People in business
● Business finance
● Marketing
● Business operations
● The market system
● Business economics
● Government and the economy
● The global economy
● Accounting
● Business/ Business studies
● Business Studies
● Economics
● Psychology
● Principles of accounting and double entry bookkeeping
● Control procedures
● Financial statements of organisations
● Introduction to costing
● Analysis of accounting statements
● Social and ethical accounting.
Business/Business studies
● Business enterprise
● Business structures and processes
● Strategic business decisions
● Business in a global context
● Consumer behaviour and demand
● Price determination
● Market failure
● Government intervention in marktets
● Social Psychology
● Cognitive psychology
● Biological psychology
Learning theories and development
● Understand the equality of different forms of diversity such as ethnicity, gender, age, disability, religion.
● Know about some Diversity Champions who have made a stand in challenging prejudice and discrimination.
● Know that dishonesty and cheating are forms of injustice.
● Understand that some people have unmet needs and appreciate the value of a society in which everyone has their needs met.
● Be able and willing to seek out and learn from people who have different perspectives.
● Understand the importance of water for life.
● Appreciate own contribution to climate change and a determination to become part of the solution.
● Develops the skills of research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, collaboration and communication.
● Uses a blend of print and digital resources and a wealth of teaching support to bring topics to life and to enable students to explore important global issues
● Core topics are covered throughout our Primary and Pre- IGCSE
programmes. Each topic is handled in a sensitive, age-appropriate way with plenty of opportunities to fuel discussion and deepen learning.
● Understand the nature and purpose of accounting in business and organisations, and the principles on which accounting is based
● Understand the use of accounting as an aid to business decision making
develop an interest in and enthusiasm for the study of business
● Develop an understanding of business concepts, business terminology, business objectives and the integrated nature of the business activity
● Develop an understanding of economic concepts
● Understand economic issues, problems and possible solutions that affect mixed economies • participate effectively in society as citizens, producers and consumers.
● An understanding of the importance of effective accounting information systems and an awareness of their limitations through a critical consideration of current financial issues and modern business practices
● An appreciation of the effects of economic, legal, ethical, social, environmental and technological influences on accounting decisions
● Understand that business behaviour can be studied from a range of perspectives
● Generate enterprising and creative approaches to business opportunities, problems and issues
● Develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of psychology and how they relate to each other
What PGA offers
Foundtions for success
1. Provide a structure and progression ensuring all objectives are covered and learning progresses in a clear and supportive way;
2. Provide confidence and support for students of all levels of progress tests and workbook;
3. Provide a huge range of options for students, regardless of the resourcing of their setting.
Trackable Learning Progress
PGA provides materials and supports every step of the way so teachers and parents can track students’ progress.
ResultsPlus provides the most detailed analysis available for students' exam performance. It can help students to identify topics and skills where they could benefit from further learning.
Worldwide Recognition Qualification
1. Pearson Edexcel International Award for Primary
2. Pearson Edexcel International Award for Pre-IGCSE
3. Pearson Edexcel International Award for International GCSE
4. Pearson Edexcel International Award for International A Level